Epiphany Studios, Inc.

2091 Guard Hill Road
Middletown, VA  22645

Tel:  1-866-293-6160

Fax: 1-540-636-6114


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Insurance Evaluation

 As with any valuable item or artifact your stained glass art windows are sometimes underestimated concerning the value and replacement value in the event of a disaster.  Most churches and organizations are surprised to discover the value of their stained glass art windows.  Epiphany Studios, Inc. feels this is one of the most important services that we have to offer. Not only will you be able to get an educated evaluation of the value of your stained glass art windows, but we will also document any problems that we discover that need immediate attention. We can also detect any problems before they lead to a costly restoration.  Epiphany Studios, Inc. has worked with many underwriters and insurance companies across the country evaluating valuable stained glass art windows.  In the event of destruction due to  natural disaster, vandalism or fire a record of your art is in our archives.

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