Epiphany Studios, Inc.

2091 Guard Hill Road
Middletown, VA  22645

Tel:  1-866-293-6160

Fax: 1-540-636-6114


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General Maintenance

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Not all stained glass art windows require a complete overhaul to bring them back to their original stability and beauty.  Like most precious items they must be maintained. Cleaning and servicing provides added years of service to your capital investment.  During our maintenance we will evaluate the condition of the lead, support system, cement and glass to catch problems in a more manageable condition.   If a support brace is failing and a minor bulge is appearing we can step in and remedy the failure before extensive glass damage is created leading to costly repairs.  Not all problems require immediate intensive restoration and with occasional maintenance we can extend the time before total restoration is required to maintain the integrity of your stained glass art window. 

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